GLUBEGINCURVE - Online Linux Manual PageSection : 3G NAME"gluBeginCurve, gluEndCurve − delimit a NURBS curve definition C SPECIFICATIONvoid gluBeginCurve( GLUnurbs* nurb)void gluEndCurve( GLUnurbs* nurb)PARAMETERSnurbSpecifies the NURBS object (created with gluNewNurbsRenderer). DESCRIPTIONUse gluBeginCurve to mark the beginning of a NURBS curve definition. After calling gluBeginCurve, make one or more calls to gluNurbsCurve to define the attributes of the curve. Exactly one of the calls to gluNurbsCurve must have a curve type of GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 or GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4. To mark the end of the NURBS curve definition, call gluEndCurve. GL evaluators are used to render the NURBS curve as a series of line segments. Evaluator state is preserved during rendering with glPushAttrib(GL_EVAL_BIT) and glPopAttrib(). See the glPushAttrib reference page for details on exactly what state these calls preserve. EXAMPLEThe following commands render a textured NURBS curve with normals; texture coordinates and normals are also specified as NURBS curves: