Rex::Task - Online Linux Manual PageSection : 3
Updated : 2021-03-06
Source : perl v5.32.1
Note : User Contributed Perl Documentation

NAMERex::Task − The Task Object

DESCRIPTIONThe Task Object. Typically you only need this class if you want to manipulate tasks after their initial creation.

SYNOPSIS​ use Rex::Task; ​ ​ # create a new task ​ my $task = Rex::Task−>new(name => "testtask"); ​ $task−>set_server("remoteserver"); ​ $task−>set_code(sub { say "Hello"; }); ​ $task−>modify("no_ssh", 1); ​ ​ # retrieve an existing task ​ use Rex::TaskList; ​ ​ my $existing_task = Rex::TaskList−>get_task('my_task');


newThis is the constructor. ​ $task = Rex::Task−>new( ​ func => sub { some_code_here }, ​ server => [ @server ], ​ desc => $description, ​ no_ssh => $no_ssh, ​ hidden => $hidden, ​ auth => { ​ user => $user, ​ password => $password, ​ private_key => $private_key, ​ public_key => $public_key, ​ }, ​ before => [sub {}, sub {}, ...], ​ after => [sub {}, sub {}, ...], ​ around => [sub {}, sub {}, ...], ​ before_task_start => [sub {}, sub {}, ...], ​ after_task_finished => [sub {}, sub {}, ...], ​ name => $task_name, ​ executor => Rex::Interface::Executor−>create, ​ opts => {key1 => val1, key2 => val2, ...}, ​ args => [arg1, arg2, ...], ​ );

connectionReturns the current connection object.

executorReturns the current executor object.

hiddenReturns true if the task is hidden. (Should not be displayed on ,,rex −T''.)

serverReturns the servers on which the task should be executed as an ArrayRef.

set_server(@server)With this method you can set new servers on which the task should be executed on.

delete_serverDelete every server registered to the task.

current_serverReturns the current server on which the tasks gets executed right now.

descReturns the description of a task.

set_desc($description)Set the description of a task.

is_remoteReturns true(1) if the task will be executed remotely.

is_localReturns true(1) if the task gets executed on the local host.

is_httpReturns true(1) if the task gets executed over http protocol.

is_httpsReturns true(1) if the task gets executed over https protocol.

is_opensshReturns true(1) if the task gets executed with openssh.

want_connectReturns true(1) if the task will establish a connection to a remote system.

get_connection_typeThis method tries to guess the right connection type for the task and returns it. Current return values are below: • SSH: connect to the remote server using Net::SSH2 • OpenSSH: connect to the remote server using Net::OpenSSH • Local: runs locally (without any connections) • HTTP: uses experimental HTTP connection • HTTPS: uses experimental HTTPS connection • Fake: populate the connection properties, but do not connect So you can use this type to iterate over a list of remote hosts, but don't let rex build a connection. For example if you want to use Sys::Virt or other modules.

modify($key, $value)With this method you can modify values of the task.

rethink_connectionDeletes current connection object.

userReturns the username the task will use.

set_user($user)Set the username of a task.

passwordReturns the password that will be used.

set_password($password)Set the password of the task.

nameReturns the name of the task.

codeReturns the code of the task.

set_code(\&code_ref)Set the code of the task.

run_hook($server, $hook)This method is used internally to execute the specified hooks.

set_auth($key, $value)Set the authentication of the task. ​ $task−>set_auth("user", "foo"); ​ $task−>set_auth("password", "bar");

merge_auth($server)Merges the authentication information from $server into the task. Tasks authentication information have precedence.

get_sudo_passwordReturns the sudo password.

parallelismGet the parallelism count of a task.

set_parallelism($count)Set the parallelism of the task.

connect($server)Initiate the connection to $server.

disconnectDisconnect from the current connection.

get_dataDump task data.

run($server, %options)Run the task on $server, with %options.

modify_task($task, $key => $value)Modify $task, by setting $key to $value.

is_taskReturns true(1) if the passed object is a task.

get_tasksReturns list of tasks.

get_descReturns description of task.

exit_on_connect_failReturns true if rex should exit on connect failure.

set_exit_on_connect_failSets if rex should exit on connect failure.

get_argsReturns arguments of task.

get_optsReturns options of task.

set_argsSets arguments for task.

set_optSets an option for task.

set_optsSets options for task.

cloneClones a task.
Johanes Gumabo
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