AMRECOVER - Online Linux Manual PageSection : 8
Updated : 11/05/2009
Source : Amanda 2​.6​.1p2
Note : System Administration Commands

NAMEamrecover − Amanda index database browser

SYNOPSISamrecover [−C config] [−s index−server] [−t tape−server] [−d tape−device] [−o configoption]... amoldrecover [−C config] [−s index−server] [−t tape−server] [−d tape−device]...

DESCRIPTIONAmrecover browses the database of Amanda index files to determine which tapes contain files to recover​. Furthermore, it is able to recover files​. In order to restore files in place, you must invoke amrecover from the root of the backed up filesystem, or use lcd to move into that directory, otherwise a directory tree that resembles the backed up filesystem will be created in the current directory​. See the examples below for details​. Amrecover will read the amanda−client​.conf file and the config/amanda−client​.conf file​. If no configuration name is supplied on the command line, Amrecover will try the compiled−in default configuration ,usually DailySet1​. Amanda 2.5.1 introduced a new recover protocol. Backup communication works with any combination of versions, but 2.5.1´s amrecover cannot communicate with an older server. Use amoldrecover on 2.5.1 and higher clients when communicating with an older server. See the amanda(8) man page for more details about Amanda​. 1 an-trap
Note ¶.br
The Default values are those set at compile−time​. Use amrestore to recover client−encrypted or client−custom−compressed tapes​. [ −C ] config Amanda configuration​. −s index−server Host that runs the index daemon​. −t tape−server Host that runs the tape server daemon​. −d tape−device Tape device to use on the tape server host​. −o clientconfigoption See the "CONFIGURATION OVERRIDE" section in amanda(8)​.

COMMANDSAmrecover connects to the index server and then presents a command line prompt​. Usage is similar to an ftp client​. The GNU readline library is used to provide command line history and editing if it was built in to amrecover​. The purpose of browsing the database is to build up a restore list of files to be extracted from the backup system​. The following commands are available: sethost hostname Specifies which host to look at backup files for (default: the local host)​. setdate YYYY−MM−DD−HH−MM[−SS] | YYYY−MM−DD Set the restore time (default: now)​. File listing commands only return information on backup images for this day, for the day before with the next lower dump level, and so on, until the most recent level 0 backup on or before the specified date is encountered​. For example, if: 1996−07−01 was a level 0 backup 1996−07−02 through 1996−07−05 were level 1 backups 1996−07−06 through 1997−07−08 were level 2 backupsthen the command setdate 1997−07−08−00 would yield files from the following days: 1997−07−08 (the latest level 2 backup) 1997−07−05 (the latest level 1 backup) 1997−07−01 (the latest level 0 backup)Only the most recent version of a file will be presented​. The following abbreviated date specifications are accepted: −−MM−DD dates in the current year −−−DD dates in the current month of the current year setdisk diskname [mountpoint] Specifies which disk to consider (default: the disk holding the working directory where amrecover is started)​. It can only be set after the host is set with sethost​. Diskname is the device name specified in the amanda​.conf or disklist(5)​. The disk must be local to the host​. If mountpoint is not specified, all pathnames will be relative to the (unknown) mount point instead of full pathnames​. listhost [diskdevice] List all host listdisk [diskdevice] List all diskname setdevice [[−h tape−server] tapedev] Specifies the host to use as the tape server, and which of its tape devices to use​. If the server is omitted, the server name reverts to the configure−time default​. If the tape device is omitted, the default is used​. If you want amrecover to use your changer, the tapedev must be equal to the amrecover_changer setting on the server​. Since device names contain colons, you must always specify the hostname​. settape 192​.168​.0​.10:file:/file1You can change the tape device when amrecover ask you to load the tape: Load tape DMP014 now Continue? [Y/n/t]: t Tape device: server2:/dev/nst2 Continue? [Y/n/t]: Y Using tape /dev/nst2 from server server2​.setmode mode Set the extraction mode for Samba shares​. If mode is smb, shares are sent to the Samba server to be restored back onto the PC​. If mode is tar, they are extracted on the local machine the same way tar volumes are extracted​. mode Displays the extracting mode for Samba shares​. history Show the backup history of the current host and disk​. Dates, levels, tapes and file position on tape of each backup are displayed​. pwd Display the name of the current backup working directory​. cd dir Change the backup working directory to dir​. If the mount point was specified with setdisk, this can be a full pathname or it can be relative to the current backup working directory​. If the mount point was not specified, paths are relative to the mount point if they start with "/", otherwise they are relative to the current backup working directory​. The dir can be a shell style wildcards​. cdx dir Like the cd command but allow regular expression​. lpwd Display the amrecover working directory​. Files will be restored under this directory, relative to the backed up filesystem​. lcd path Change the amrecover working directory to path​. ls List the contents of the current backup working directory​. See the description of the setdate command for how the view of the directory is built up​. The backup date is shown for each file​. add item1 item2 ​.​.​. Add the specified files or directories to the restore list​. Each item may have shell style wildcards​. addx item1 item2 ​.​.​. Add the specified files or directories to the restore list​. Each item may be a regular expression​. delete item1 item2 ​.​.​. Delete the specified files or directories from the restore list​. Each item may have shell style wildcards​. deletex item1 item2 ​.​.​. Delete the specified files or directories from the restore list​. Each item may be a regular expression​. list file Display the contents of the restore list​. If a file name is specified, the restore list is written to that file​. This can be used to manually extract the files from the Amanda tapes with amrestore​. clear Clear the restore list​. quit Close the connection to the index server and exit​. exit Close the connection to the index server and exit​. extract Start the extract sequence (see the examples below)​. Make sure the local working directory is the root of the backed up filesystem, or another directory that will behave like that​. Use lpwd to display the local working directory, and lcd to change it​. help Display a brief list of these commands​.

EXAMPLESThe following shows the recovery of an old syslog file​. # cd /var/log # ls −l syslog​.7 syslog​.7: No such file or directory # amrecover MyConfig AMRECOVER Version 2​.4​.2​. Contacting server on oops ​.​.​. 220 oops Amanda index server (2​.4​.2) ready​. Setting restore date to today (1997−12−09) 200 Working date set to 1997−12−09​. 200 Config set to MyConfig​. 200 Dump host set to this−host​.some​.org​. $CWD ´/var/log´ is on disk ´/var´ mounted at ´/var´​. 200 Disk set to /var​. /var/log WARNING: not on root of selected filesystem, check man−page! amrecover> ls 1997−12−09 daemon​.log 1997−12−09 syslog 1997−12−08 authlog 1997−12−08 sysidconfig​.log 1997−12−08 syslog​.0 1997−12−08 syslog​.1 1997−12−08 syslog​.2 1997−12−08 syslog​.3 1997−12−08 syslog​.4 1997−12−08 syslog​.5 1997−12−08 syslog​.6 1997−12−08 syslog​.7 amrecover> add syslog​.7 Added /log/syslog​.7 amrecover> lpwd /var/log amrecover> lcd ​.​. /var amrecover> extract Extracting files using tape drive /dev/nst0 on host 192​.168​.0​.10 The following tapes are needed: DMP014 Restoring files into directory /var Continue? [Y/n]: y Load tape DMP014 now Continue? [Y/n/t]: y set owner/mode for ´​.´? [yn] n amrecover> quit 200 Good bye​. # ls −l syslog​.7 total 26 −rw−r−−r−− 1 root other 12678 Oct 14 16:36 syslog​.7If you do not want to overwrite existing files, create a subdirectory to run amrecover from and then move the restored files afterward​. # cd /var # (umask 077 ; mkdir ​.restore) # cd ​.restore # amrecover AMRECOVER Version 2​.4​.2​. Contacting server on oops ​.​.​. ​.​.​. amrecover> cd log /var/log amrecover> ls ​.​.​. amrecover> add syslog​.7 Added /log/syslog​.7 amrecover> lpwd /var/​.restore amrecover> extract Extracting files using tape drive /dev/nst0 on host 192​.168​.0​.10 ​.​.​. amrecover> quit 200 Good bye​. # mv −i log/syslog​.7 ​.​./log/syslog​.7−restored # cd ​.​. # rm −fr ​.restoreIf you need to run amrestore by hand instead of letting amrecover control it, use the list command after browsing to display the needed tapes​. # cd /var/log # amrecover AMRECOVER Version 2​.4​.2​. Contacting server on oops ​.​.​. ​.​.​. amrecover> ls ​.​.​. amrecover> add syslog syslog​.6 syslog​.7 Added /log/syslog Added /log/syslog​.6 Added /log/syslog​.7 amrecover> list TAPE DMP014 LEVEL 0 DATE 1997−12−08 /log/syslog​.7 /log/syslog​.6 TAPE DMP015 LEVEL 1 DATE 1997−12−09 /log/syslog amrecover> quit The history command shows each tape that has a backup of the current disk along with the date of the backup, the level, the tape label and the file position on the tape​. All active tapes are listed, not just back to the most recent full dump​. Tape file position zero is a label​. The first backup image is in file position one​. # cd /var/log # amrecover AMRECOVER Version 2​.4​.2​. Contacting server on oops ​.​.​. ​.​.​. amrecover> history 200− Dump history for config "MyConfig" host "this−host​.some​.org" disk "/var" 201− 1997−12−09 1 DMP015 9 201− 1997−12−08 1 DMP014 11 201− 1997−12−07 0 DMP013 22 201− 1997−12−06 1 DMP012 16 201− 1997−12−05 1 DMP011 9 201− 1997−12−04 0 DMP010 11 201− 1997−12−03 1 DMP009 7 201− 1997−12−02 1 DMP008 7 201− 1997−12−01 1 DMP007 9 201− 1997−11−30 1 DMP006 6 ​.​.​. amrecover> quit

ENVIRONMENTPAGER The ls and list commands will use $PAGER to display the file lists​. Defaults to more if PAGER is not set​. AMANDA_SERVER If set, $AMANDA_SERVER will be used as index−server​. The value will take precedence over the compiled default, but will be overridden by the −s switch​. AMANDA_TAPE_SERVER If set, $AMANDA_TAPE_SERVER will be used as tape−server​. The value will take precedence over the compiled default, but will be overridden by the −t switch​.

SEE ALSOamanda(8), amanda-client.conf(5), amrestore(8), amfetchdump(8), readline(3), :

AUTHORSAlan M​. McIvor <​alan@kauri​.auck​.irl​.cri​.nz​> Stefan G​. Weichinger <​sgw@amanda​.org​> Dustin J​. Mitchell <​dustin@zmanda​.com​> Zmanda, Inc​. (http://www​.zmanda​.com)
Johanes Gumabo
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