krb5_principal - Online Linux Manual PageSection : 3
Updated : Tue Nov 15 2022
Source : Version 7.8.0
Note : Heimdal Kerberos 5 library
NAMEkrb5_principal − Heimdal Kerberos 5 principal functions
FunctionsKRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_free_principal (krb5_context context, krb5_principal p)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_set_type (krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal, int type)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION int KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_get_type (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION const char *KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_get_realm (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION unsigned int KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_get_num_comp (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_parse_name_flags (krb5_context context, const char *name, int flags, krb5_principal *principal)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_parse_name (krb5_context context, const char *name, krb5_principal *principal)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_fixed (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char *name, size_t len)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_fixed_short (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char *name, size_t len)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_fixed_flags (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, int flags, char *name, size_t len)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char **name)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_flags (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, int flags, char **name)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_short (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char **name)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_set_realm (krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal, krb5_const_realm realm)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_build_principal (krb5_context context, krb5_principal *principal, int rlen, krb5_const_realm realm,...)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_make_principal (krb5_context context, krb5_principal *principal, krb5_const_realm realm,...)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_copy_principal (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal inprinc, krb5_principal *outprinc)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_compare_any_realm (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, krb5_const_principal princ2)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_compare (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, krb5_const_principal princ2)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_realm_compare (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, krb5_const_principal princ2)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_match (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ, krb5_const_principal pattern)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_parse_nametype (krb5_context context, const char *str, int32_t *nametype)
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_null (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_realm_is_lkdc (const char *realm)
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_lkdc (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_pku2u (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_is_krbtgt (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal p)
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_gss_hostbased_service (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_root_krbtgt (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal p)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_is_anonymous (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal p, unsigned int flags)
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sname_to_principal (krb5_context context, const char *hostname, const char *sname, int32_t type, krb5_principal *ret_princ)
Detailed Description
Function Documentation
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_build_principal (krb5_context context, krb5_principal * principal, int rlen, krb5_const_realm realm, ...)Build a principal using vararg style building Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal returned principal
rlen length of realm
realm realm name
... a list of components ended with NULL. Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_copy_principal (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal inprinc, krb5_principal * outprinc)Copy a principal Parameters context A Kerberos context.
inprinc principal to copy
outprinc copied principal, free with krb5_free_principal() Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_free_principal (krb5_context context, krb5_principal p)Frees a Kerberos principal allocated by the library with krb5_parse_name(), krb5_make_principal() or any other related principal functions. Parameters context A Kerberos context.
p a principal to free. Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_make_principal (krb5_context context, krb5_principal * principal, krb5_const_realm realm, ...)Build a principal using vararg style building Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal returned principal
realm realm name
... a list of components ended with NULL. Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_parse_name (krb5_context context, const char * name, krb5_principal * principal)Parse a name into a krb5_principal structure Parameters context Kerberos 5 context
name name to parse into a Kerberos principal
principal returned principal, free with krb5_free_principal(). Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_parse_name_flags (krb5_context context, const char * name, int flags, krb5_principal * principal)Parse a name into a krb5_principal structure, flags controls the behavior. Parameters context Kerberos 5 context
name name to parse into a Kerberos principal
flags flags to control the behavior
principal returned principal, free with krb5_free_principal(). Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_parse_nametype (krb5_context context, const char * str, int32_t * nametype)Parse nametype string and return a nametype integer
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_compare (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, krb5_const_principal princ2)Compares the two principals, including realm of the principals and returns TRUE if they are the same and FALSE if not. Parameters context Kerberos 5 context
princ1 first principal to compare
princ2 second principal to compare See also krb5_principal_compare_any_realm() krb5_realm_compare()
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_compare_any_realm (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, krb5_const_principal princ2)Return TRUE iff princ1 == princ2 (without considering the realm) Parameters context Kerberos 5 context
princ1 first principal to compare
princ2 second principal to compare Returns non zero if equal, 0 if not See also krb5_principal_compare() krb5_realm_compare()
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION unsigned int KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_get_num_comp (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)Get number of component is principal. Parameters context Kerberos 5 context
principal principal to query Returns number of components in string
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION const char* KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_get_realm (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)Get the realm of the principal Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal principal to get the realm for Returns realm of the principal, don't free or use after krb5_principal is freed
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION int KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_get_type (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)Get the type of the principal Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal principal to get the type for Returns the type of principal
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_is_anonymous (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal p, unsigned int flags)Returns true iff name is WELLKNOWN/ANONYMOUS
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_gss_hostbased_service (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)Returns true iff name is an WELLKNOWN:ORG.H5L.HOSTBASED-SERVICE
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_is_krbtgt (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal p)Check if the cname part of the principal is a krbtgt principal
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_lkdc (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)Returns true if name is Kerberos an LKDC realm
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_null (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)Returns true if name is Kerberos NULL name
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_pku2u (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal)Returns true if name is Kerberos an LKDC realm
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_principal_is_root_krbtgt (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal p)Check if the cname part of the principal is a initial or renewed krbtgt principal
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_match (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ, krb5_const_principal pattern)return TRUE iff princ matches pattern
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_set_realm (krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal, krb5_const_realm realm)Set a new realm for a principal, and as a side-effect free the previous realm. Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal principal set the realm for
realm the new realm to set Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION void KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_principal_set_type (krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal, int type)Set the type of the principal Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal principal to set the type for
type the new type Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_realm_compare (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal princ1, krb5_const_principal princ2)return TRUE iff realm(princ1) == realm(princ2) Parameters context Kerberos 5 context
princ1 first principal to compare
princ2 second principal to compare See also krb5_principal_compare_any_realm() krb5_principal_compare()
krb5_boolean KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_realm_is_lkdc (const char * realm)Returns true if name is Kerberos an LKDC realm
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_sname_to_principal (krb5_context context, const char * hostname, const char * sname, int32_t type, krb5_principal * ret_princ)Create a principal for the given service running on the given hostname. If KRB5_NT_SRV_HST is used, the hostname is canonicalized according the configured name canonicalization rules, with canonicalization delayed in some cases. One rule involves DNS, which is insecure unless DNSSEC is used, but we don't use DNSSEC-capable resolver APIs here, so that if DNSSEC is used we wouldn't know it. Canonicalization is immediate (not delayed) only when there is only one canonicalization rule and that rule indicates that we should do a host lookup by name (i.e., DNS). Parameters context A Kerberos context.
hostname hostname to use
sname Service name to use
type name type of principal, use KRB5_NT_SRV_HST or KRB5_NT_UNKNOWN.
ret_princ return principal, free with krb5_free_principal(). Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char ** name)Unparse the Kerberos name into a string Parameters context Kerberos 5 context
principal principal to query
name resulting string, free with krb5_xfree() Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_fixed (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char * name, size_t len)Unparse the principal name to a fixed buffer Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal principal to unparse
name buffer to write name to
len length of buffer Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_fixed_flags (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, int flags, char * name, size_t len)Unparse the principal name with unparse flags to a fixed buffer. Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal principal to unparse
flags unparse flags
name buffer to write name to
len length of buffer Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_fixed_short (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char * name, size_t len)Unparse the principal name to a fixed buffer. The realm is skipped if its a default realm. Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal principal to unparse
name buffer to write name to
len length of buffer Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_flags (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, int flags, char ** name)Unparse the Kerberos name into a string Parameters context Kerberos 5 context
principal principal to query
flags flag to determine the behavior
name resulting string, free with krb5_xfree() Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
KRB5_LIB_FUNCTION krb5_error_code KRB5_LIB_CALL krb5_unparse_name_short (krb5_context context, krb5_const_principal principal, char ** name)Unparse the principal name to a allocated buffer. The realm is skipped if its a default realm. Parameters context A Kerberos context.
principal principal to unparse
name returned buffer, free with krb5_xfree() Returns An krb5 error code, see krb5_get_error_message().
AuthorGenerated automatically by Doxygen for Heimdal Kerberos 5 library from the source code. 0
Johanes Gumabo
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